Healing through Arts?

Hello everyone…

Today I thought of writing about my personal experience on self-healing.

Ever heard of healing through arts?

Well it is now a known fact that Arts has its healing tendencies. Since our existence the ancient civilizations have been using arts in their daily lives to have balanced life and heal various diseases such as ancient Chinese and Egyptians used to have color therapy/ Chromotherapy as an alternative healing method for various diseases.

So here I am, with my own experience & my studies on Creative Arts having the possibilities of healing which has now gained scientific proof as well!

What happens when we talk about Art? The very first thought that comes in our mind is paints, color, brushes, drawings 🙂 which are very normal. However, let me tell you that Creative Arts has various modalities and through which one can self-heal too. For example, Body movement/Dance, Storytelling/ Drama, Music, Painting, Singing, Drawing, etc.

I firmly believe that everyone’s healing journey is different and cannot be the same because we are all individuals.

Amongst various modalities of Creative Arts, painting is the first one which I chose when I was looking for self-healing. Although being an artist, I was not new to paints and brushes, but as soon as I embarked upon this journey, I immediately tapped into my deeper inner space that was so full of self-expression, which had not been given a chance to express itself any earlier in life except for once being a child.

So, once I started painting my emotions freely without following the traditional learned techniques, or a completely thought through process, while using different art tools in the process, it has affected my overall state even more in a much deeper way.

For exaHealing through arts Shabnam Habibmple, using water colors for my self-healing exercises, I felt calmer and content. But when I incorporated the full body movement into my art practice, I felt a sudden urge to let go of the deeply stored negativity, trauma and past hurts from my physical space. I realized that the body does store the memories, yet a separate topic for my next blog under healing through Creative Arts. I felt more grounded and happy and relieved 🙂

Healing through arts Shabnam Habib

In the end, I would reiterate that in order to have a balanced personality and to bring in an overall balance in one’s life, Art is of utmost importance. Regardless of how far we stray away from this reality or get stuck in our logical thinking mind, we, as humans will always get drawn to a beautiful piece of music or get stirred by a beautifully created art work without knowing why.



Watch out for more details on the topic…

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